Calculating Your Carbon Footprint
Hi all!
In this blog, I am going to discuss the meaning of the term “carbon footprint” and give you a formula that you can use to calculate your own carbon footprint.
What is a carbon footprint?
A carbon footprint is the measure of an individual’s emissions of gases that contribute to global warming. It measures the amount of CO2 produced by actions such as driving to school daily and using power outlets to charge electronic devices. Unlike footprints in the sand that wash away quickly, our carbon footprints have a lasting impact on our environment. Therefore, it is important to employ practices in our lives that reduce our carbon footprints.
Calculating your carbon footprint:
Alexandra Shimo-Barry, author of “The Environment Equation,” has come up with the following equation to help you estimate your carbon footprint.
Multiply your monthly electric bill by 105
Multiply your monthly gas bill by 105
Multiply your monthly oil bill by 113
Multiply your total yearly mileage on your car by .79
Multiply the number of flights you’ve taken in the past year (4 hours or less) by 1,100
Multiply the number of flights you’ve taken in the past year (4 hours or more) by 4,400
Add 184 if you do NOT recycle newspaper
Add 166 if you do NOT recycle aluminum and tin
Add 1-8 together for your total carbon footprint
Understanding your result:
“Ideal” or “low” carbon footprint: 6,000-15,999 pounds per year.
Average carbon footprint: 16,000-22,000 pounds per year.
Very low carbon footprint: under 6,000 pounds per year.
Understanding your individual impact on the environment is the first step. Now, you can start reducing your footprint one day at a time. Check out this page on my website to learn about ways that you can reduce your carbon footprint.
Thank you for reading this blog. I hope that you are inspired to make a change in your daily routine to help ensure a brighter future for our planet!